Should parents pay for good grades?

By Narine Perla Seraydarian (Grade 10S)

Teacher: Mrs. Rosine Tchelderian 

Nowadays, students are struggling in school. They need motivation to improve their performance. As a result, parents are financially rewarding them, encouraging them to get higher grades and do their best at school.

Personally, I’m against paying for good grades; this method teaches students that they should receive money for every decent grade they get  and should be rewarded for everything good they do. It takes away their self-motivation, and they start taking pride in the money they receive rather than what they learn or the good grade they get. This system could also be harmful for the child’s near future, because you might never know what he might do simply for the promise of cash. In the end, the child who has no desire to learn and gets good grades will only study for the reward, and eventually , the lessons will outweigh the benefits one day, and he’ll quit working as hard.

Parents can motivate their children to improve their performance at school by many other ways  that doesn’t involve money. They can either promise to take them to special trips or cinema, or buy them items that they want.

At the end of the day, the child should try to get good grades to get into a good college and get a decent job in the future and that’s because he WANTS to, not because he’s being paid to.


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